By Process

Human Capital Management Processes

Companies have long and difficult HR process with process large volume of data to check resources in database, provide NOC letters, managing payroll, resources onboarding Now, using the RPA solutions, the repetitive tasks are automated, and it helps employees focus more on the value generating tasks esp. in payroll, management, Onboarding processes and improve the performance of the employees.

HR Processes identified

Reduced FTES
Average Turnaround Time Increased


HR is a key process in any organization. The HR executives do manual processing of more than 100 to 100,000 of employees changes as day to day activity for HR payroll, letters processing, updates, changes etc. They were also asked to send letters such as no-objection letter for banks ,visa agencies, experience letters and required letters for other service providers etc.


Robotic process automation (RPA) from Atominos Consulting focusing of the HR Processes can benefit the organization in automating most of key challenges like taking the information from the email and posting in any ERP directly or send letter directly to employee who is requesting for NOC letters. Our solutions automated the 95% manual efforts.

Finance Process

Financial accounting is the field of accounting concerned with the summary, analysis and reporting of financial transactions related to a business.

Finance Processes identified

Reduced FTES
Average Turnaround Time Increased


Few business challenges in the finance makes them vulnerable. Some of the challenges are customer payments, vendor down-payments, Dunning procedures and bank reconciliation.


Robotic process automation (RPA) from Atominos Consulting focusing on financial process can benefit the organization in automating most of key challenges like taking the information form the different sources and automating the process most of the process in finance department to reduce human efforts.

Order Management Processes

Order management is simply the process of efficiently tracking and fulfilling from inquiry to sales orders to deliveries and then to invoicing. It includes the cycle of people, processes, and suppliers to create a positive customer experience. The order management process starts from when a customer places an order based on inquiry/quotation, to keeping track of that order until it is fulfilled.

O2C Processes identified

Reduced FTES
Average Turnaround Time Increased


Quotations/Order Entry is a major challenge where you have multiple line items more than 100 items in an order entry process. Some of the other challenges include manual sales order processing, delivery processing , planning of the transportation vendors for customer deliveries, invoice and payment tracking.


Robotic process automation (RPA) from Atominos Consulting focusing sales process can benefit the organization in automating most of key challenges like taking the information from the email in a pdf from vendors and posting in any ERP.

Procurement Process

Procurement is one of the key areas in any organization. A dollar saved in procurement is a dollar earned. The process starting from identifying the source of supply to the invoice settlement has its own challenges. Procurement contributes on a larger scale to the entire supply chain process.

Processes identified


Reduced FTES
Average Turnaround Time Increased


Analyzing the internal requirements generated from other departments like Sales, Manufacturing, Maintenance is a time-consuming task.
Simplifying the purchase order process by grouping the requirements based on buyers and source of supply.
Updating the order confirmation in the purchase orders automatically.
Generating the invoice payable by matching the invoice submitted is always a time consuming and repetitive task
Reconciliation of supplier statement with the backend system periodically.


Robotic process automation (RPA) from Atominos Consulting focusing of the Procurement Processes in order to solve the day to day challenges and to enhance the supply chain process.